
***We are AGAINST the inclusion of crossbows into archery seasons, but we are NOT against the use of crossbows as legitimate harvest tools for game***

One of our many initiatives is to limit the use of crossbows and airbows to established firearm and any-weapon seasons across the Midwest. In states with exceptionally liberal muzzleloaders regulations (MN), the inclusion of crossbows into the muzzleloader season would not be concerning. However, in states that hold to more traditional regulations where flintlock, percussion, or wheel-lock muzzleloaders are required, we would not want to see crossbows degrade the intent of those heritage seasons. We are generally open to the idea of permitting the use of crossbows into the late archery season so long as it is AFTER the existing firearm and muzzleloader seasons. 

  • Crossbows are functionally not archery.
  • The full inclusion of crossbows into early archery seasons reduces the number of youth participating in firearm and muzzleloader seasons.
  • The full inclusion of crossbows into early archery seasons reduces the number of adults participating in firearm and muzzleloader seasons.
  • The full inclusion of crossbows into early archery seasons has NOT led to a NET increase youth or adult hunters. Those with intentions to hunt are going to hunt regardless. Early season crossbow inclusion creates crossbow hunters out of would be compound, firearm, and muzzleloader hunters. 
  • If the intention is to make opportunity for youth, let's make direct opportunities for YOUTH. The youth firearm season in MN over MEA break, did not increase the number of youth hunters hunting, but it did increase youth harvest success. 
  • The off season is longer than the hunting season. Heavily focusing on off season involvement leading up to the short hunting seasons is incredibly important. 


Limiting the inclusion of crossbows to firearm and post firearm seasons is a great way to include this weapon platform while not disincentivizing youth and adult involvement in archery or firearms. 


Our extended archery seasons were established because hunting with a recurve or longbow is extremely challenging and rewarding. These long seasons provided increased opportunity with considerably less hunting pressure where bowhunters could escape the crowds, hunt patternable deer, and connect with tens of thousands of years of hunting heritage. Compound bows were invented in 1966 and since have been fully integrated into all of the traditional archery seasons. There is technology that needs to be limited, but the functional act of drawing, holding, and executing a shot is archery. Just like a bicycle, training wheels help ease people in. As people become more proficient with the fundamentals of shooting and developing the skills necessary to close the distance on big game, we encourage the leap into traditional archery. 

There are clear benefits to taking part in the discipline of archery and harvesting animals in traditional ways. Bowhunting is in our blood, has been vital to the continuance of our species, and will be again.


JOIN OUR PETITION to Continue the Tradition. Archery is not supposed to be easy, and it's arguably the best way to connect with the natural world. 

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Minnesota passed a 3 year strike of the 60+ age restriction on the use of crossbows during the archery season. That legislation is set to expire on June 30th, 2025. This petition is to return to the status quo of the 60+ age requirement. This needs to be held up in committee because last time it was tacked on to an omnibus bill.

Overtime, the goal is for crossbows and airbows to be fully limited to the general firearm and muzzleloader seasons.

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